Friday, March 30, 2007

the MAKE ME AN ALBUM project update II

hello, good citizens!

well, thus far i have received over 150 song name suggestions. the list has grown much faster than i had anticipated. it's really delightful knowing that i won't have to come up with names for my songs. thank you.

i've decided to list my five favorite suggestions thus far. here they are in no particular order:
2. Naked Megumi II
3. I Love Girls Named Megan
4. At The End of the Most Recent Harry Potter Book, Gandalf Dies
5. Booby Vee

if your suggestion is listed above, you can claim it in the comments, or you can just pretend that you didn't suggest it, which might be a better idea.

when all the song titles have been chosen, i will post my top ten favorites. then, i will choose one of those ten to record as a bonus song. you know, it could just happen that nos. 231 and 315 are just awful titles, so i will need to compensate by choosing a real good one. it could be yours.

to recap, these song titles have already been chosen:
1. take my pink slip (jackie nelson)
2. diabetes is diabolical (dan h.)
3. eating shit ain't as much fun as it used to be (casey peterson)

some interesting tidbits:
- i was waiting at a train station in central saitama when the melody for the chorus of "take my pink slip" came to me. i didn't have anything to write with, so i pulled out my cell phone, dialed my own number, and left the melody as a message to myself.
- the second i read "diabetes is diabolical," i thought of E.L.O. (for some reason). it is quickly becoming a strange mixture of "don't bring me down" and pretty much every hard rock song by queen. begin your lip-licking..... now.
- "eating shit ain't as much fun as it used to be" is my most tenacious opponent now, as i struggle to maneuver my way around that difficult-to-put-to-melody title phrase. i was listening to gram parsons, the flaming burrito brothers and alison krauss a lot one day, so i think it will be a country-rock ballad.

the next winner is number 231. keep suggesting, and start coercing your friends and enemies to visit my site. some conspicuous absences from the tally so far:

brian heilman
joe sacksteder
ted godbout
aaron toussaint
barack obama
gina yeager (who i thought would be all over this. perhaps she doesn't know of my blog)
the members of fred savage and the unbeatables besides mitch johnson

these people are tarnishing the very principles of democracy. did someone say witch hunt?


John Kamman said...

two of them are mine. not claiming them, but feel free to guess. MUAHAHAHA

Case-Face said...

I was Check out my Status.
Ah, facebook.

Joe said...

Do I even need to say mine?

Didn't think so.

Joe said...

Are we ever gonna get a look at the comprehensive list?

tmkain said...

you'll get a look at the comprehensive list after all the titles have been compiled.

number 231 is set. expect an announcement soon.


Joe said...

Nice work on the prompt update.
